Germany 2024-6-18„Tuna – The Threatened Hunter“ – Official Selection at Green Screen 2024Our science documentary about tuna and sustainability will be screened at Europe’s most popular nature documentary festival in autumn 2024.
Japan 2024-5-30„Thunfisch – Der bedrohte Jäger“ (ARTE)Im Ozean gehören Thunfische zu den Topräubern. Doch der Jäger ist auch ein Gejagter: Von Jahr zu Jahr werden mehr Fische aus dem Meer gezogen. Der Meeresbiologe Uli Kunz suchte nach Antworten – und folgte dabei dem Thunfisch bei seiner Reise rund um die Welt. In Japan war ich bei der aufwändigen Produktion als Aufnahmeleiterin dabei.
Japan 2023-7-26ZDF flagship show – „Terra X: Fascination water“Preparations had started one year prior to filming, and in July 2023 the time had come – a team from German production company Gruppe 5 traveled through Japan for three weeks with marine biologist Uli Kunz and myself to get to the bottom of the issue of sustainability in fishing.
Japan 2015-12-15The most important cosmic particle you’ve never heard ofThe image is blurry, underexposed and out of focus: One cannot make out much more than a long object rising up out of the semi-darkness. What appears to be just an amateur photographer’s snapshot taken at night under difficult lighting circumstances, however, actually took one month to create – and the technology behind it is the result of years of intensive research and a massive amount of investment. What the image shows is something that no one will be able …
Japan 2014-4-14Drilling the deep: in search of a new energy source„Burning ice“ could solve the energy crisis; but environmentalists warn of potential dangers. At the end of January 2013, the drill ship Chikyu left Shimizu harbour in Shizuoka prefecture and headed southwest towards Cape Omaezaki. After weeks of preparation, it was on a mission – an experiment that some hoped could be the first step to a solution for Japan’s energy crisis. In the early morning of 12 March, several pumps on the ship went into action, dropping the pressure …
Japan 2011-12-3Kosmisches Rätsel MenschWas geschah nach dem Urknall? Deutsche Physiker helfen beim Aufbau eines Teilchenbeschleunigers in Japan.