Japan 2024-12-29Traditional townscape and crafts: TsuyamaTsuyama City in Okayama Prefecture is just shy of 100,000 inhabitants. It makes for a relaxed outing off the beaten path and a trip back in time. Impressions from a three-day monitor tour with a special focus on local arts and crafts.
Japan 2024-4-14Film screening and discussion of patterns of moving to rural JapanThe German Institute for Japanese Studies based in Tokyo kindly screened my documentary „Rice Fields Instead of Tokyo“ on 9 April, 2024, followed by a presentation of researcher Tomoo Matsuda on related topics, and a discussion with the audience.
Japan 2024-2-13„Japan’s biggest problem is the many old men everywhere who are clinging to their posts“Japan’s workforce is shrinking. The government’s solution: women. Will this plan work in a country which lags behind in gender equality?
Japan 2024-2-4Turning Flowers into Food: Camellia YeastThe flowers in shades of red, white and pink can be seen on evergreen bushes and trees in Japan all year, from Aomori prefecture in the north to the Okinawa archipelago in the south. Camellias, which are also called “winter rose” or “Japanese rose”, are considered the oldest ornamental plant in Japan. For centuries, their seeds have been used to produce oil used for cooking, as well as for hair and skin treatments, and their leaves were made into tea. …
Japan 2018-1-12Japans Totenrituale: Ruhe in Frieden, ruhe im HochregalIn Japan sterben seit Jahren mehr Menschen, als geboren werden. Das hat Einfluss auf Totenrituale: Es fehlt an Platz, an Zeit und bei manchen Familien an Geld.
Japan 2017-12-16Japan: Our future, todayNo other population is aging as rapidly as in Japan. What does this mean for a society? Explore a country where Europe’s demographic future has already arrived.
Japan 2015-3-12In Japan sterben ganze Dörfer ausÜberalterung, Entvölkerung, weniger Kinder – Nippon ist davon so stark betroffen wie kaum eine andere Industrienation. Die drittgrößte Volkswirtschaft wird als unfreiwilliger Vorreiter eines Trends gesehen, der auch Deutschland erfassen wird.