Japan 2024-2-4Turning Flowers into Food: Camellia YeastThe flowers in shades of red, white and pink can be seen on evergreen bushes and trees in Japan all year, from Aomori prefecture in the north to the Okinawa archipelago in the south. Camellias, which are also called “winter rose” or “Japanese rose”, are considered the oldest ornamental plant in Japan. For centuries, their seeds have been used to produce oil used for cooking, as well as for hair and skin treatments, and their leaves were made into tea. …
Japan 2017-4-30Rebellion in the valley of the firefliesIn a small village in southern Japan, a dam project has been dividing the local community for over five decades. Most residents have left, but a few households continue the fight against the dam and they’ve been successful so far.
Japan 2015-8-14Atombombe von Nagasaki: Die Lektion nicht gelerntVor 70 Jahren warfen die USA zwei Atombomben über Japan ab. Tatsuya Kusunoki hat jene, die Nagasaki zerstörte, als siebenjähriger Bub überlebt.
Japan 2015-7-2Das romantische NagasakiNagasaki ist die zweite Stadt der Geschichte, auf die eine Atombombe abgeworfen wurde. So sehr sie diesen Teil ihrer Geschichte wichtig nimmt, will die Stadt nicht, dass das alles ist, woran Besucher denken.